

adverb \ə-ˈlüf\

Definition of ALOOF

:  at a distance

Origin of ALOOF

obsolete aloof to windward, from 1a- + louf, luf luff
First Known Use: 1523


adjective \ə-ˈlüf\

: not involved with or friendly toward other people

: not involved in or influenced by something

Full Definition of ALOOF

:  removed or distant either physically or emotionally <he stood aloof from worldly success — John Buchan>
aloof·ly adverb
aloof·ness noun

Examples of ALOOF

  1. In truth, he isn't so much aloof as he is courtly in a formal, afternoon-tea sort of way. —Joe Klein, Time, 21 July 2003

Origin of ALOOF

(see 1aloof)
First Known Use: 1608

Synonym Discussion of ALOOF

indifferent, unconcerned, incurious, aloof, detached, disinterested mean not showing or feeling interest. indifferent implies neutrality of attitude from lack of inclination, preference, or prejudice <indifferent to the dictates of fashion>. unconcerned suggests a lack of sensitivity or regard for others' needs or troubles <unconcerned about the homeless>. incurious implies an inability to take a normal interest due to dullness of mind or to self-centeredness <incurious about the world>. aloof suggests a cool reserve arising from a sense of superiority or disdain for inferiors or from shyness <aloof from his coworkers>. detached implies an objective attitude achieved through absence of prejudice or selfishness <observed family gatherings with detached amusement>. disinterested implies a circumstantial freedom from concern for personal or especially financial advantage that enables one to judge or advise without bias <judged by a panel of disinterested observers>.
ALOOFNESS Defined for Kids


adverb \ə-ˈlüf\

Definition of ALOOF for Kids

:  at a distance <stood aloof>



Definition of ALOOF for Kids

:  not friendly or outgoing <a shy aloof manner>


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