

adjective \ˈapt\

: likely to do something : having a tendency to do something

: appropriate or suitable

: quick to learn

Full Definition of APT

:  unusually fitted or qualified :  ready <proved an apt tool in the hands of the conspirators>
a :  having a tendency :  likely <plants apt to suffer from drought>
b :  ordinarily disposed :  inclined <apt to accept what is plausible as true>
:  suited to a purpose; especially :  being to the point <an apt quotation>
:  keenly intelligent and responsive <an apt pupil>
apt·ly \ˈap(t)-lē\ adverb
apt·ness \ˈap(t)-nəs\ noun

Usage Discussion of APT

Both liable and apt when followed by an infinitive are used nearly interchangeably with likely. Although conflicting advice has been given over the years, most current commentators accept apt when so used. They generally recommend limiting liable to situations having an undesirable outcome, and our evidence shows that in edited writing it is more often so used than not.

Origin of APT

Middle English, from Latin aptus, literally, fastened, from past participle of apere to fasten; akin to Latin apisci to grasp, obtain, apud near, Hittite ḫap- to attach
First Known Use: 14th century

Synonym Discussion of APT

fit, suitable, meet, proper, appropriate, fitting, apt, happy, felicitous mean right with respect to some end, need, use, or circumstance. fit stresses adaptability and sometimes special readiness for use or action <fit for battle>. suitable implies an answering to requirements or demands <clothes suitable for camping>. meet suggests a just proportioning <meet payment>. proper suggests a suitability through essential nature or accordance with custom <proper acknowledgement>. appropriate implies eminent or distinctive fitness <an appropriate gift>. fitting implies harmony of mood or tone <a fitting end>. apt connotes a fitness marked by nicety and discrimination <apt quotations>. happy suggests what is effectively or successfully appropriate <a happy choice of words>. felicitous suggests an aptness that is opportune, telling, or graceful <a felicitous phrase>.

quick, prompt, ready, apt mean able to respond without delay or hesitation or indicative of such ability. quick stresses instancy of response and is likely to connote native rather than acquired power <quick reflexes> <a keen quick mind>. prompt is more likely to connote training and discipline that fits one for instant response <prompt emergency medical care>. ready suggests facility or fluency in response <backed by a pair of ready assistants>. apt stresses the possession of qualities (as intelligence, a particular talent, or a strong bent) that makes quick effective response possible <an apt student> <her answer was apt and to the point>.

Rhymes with APT



Definition of APT

APTLY Defined for Kids


adjective \ˈapt\

Definition of APT for Kids

:  having a tendency :  likely <He is apt to become angry over small things.>
:  just right :  suitable <an apt reply>
:  quick to learn <a student apt in arithmetic>
apt·ly adverb
apt·ness noun

Word Root of APT

The Latin word aptus, meaning fit or suitable, gives us the root apt or ept. Words from the Latin aptus have something to do with being fitting or suitable. Something apt fits just right into a situation. To adapt is to change in order to fit a situation better. Someone who is adept has suitable skills to perform a task well, while someone who is inept does not.


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