

noun \ˈbēch\

: a kind of tree that has smooth gray bark and small nuts

: the wood of the beech

plural beech·es or beech

Full Definition of BEECH

:  any of a genus (Fagus of the family Fagaceae, the beech family) of hardwood trees with smooth gray bark and small edible nuts; also :  its wood
beech·en \ˈbē-chən\ adjective

Origin of BEECH

Middle English beche, from Old English bēce; akin to Old English bōc beech, Old High German buohha, Latin fagus, Greek phēgos oak
First Known Use: before 12th century
BEECHEN Defined for Kids


noun \ˈbēch\

Definition of BEECH for Kids

:  a tree with smooth gray bark, deep green leaves, and small edible nuts


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