

noun cho·rus \ˈkr-əs\

: a group of singers and dancers in an ancient Greek play who take part in or talk about the things that are happening on stage

: a group of singers and dancers in a modern play, musical show, etc.

: a large group of singers

Full Definition of CHORUS

a :  a company of singers and dancers in Athenian drama participating in or commenting on the action; also :  a similar company in later plays
b :  a character in Elizabethan drama who speaks the prologue and epilogue and comments on the action
c :  an organized company of singers who sing in concert :  choir; especially :  a body of singers who sing the choral parts of a work (as in opera)
d :  a group of dancers and singers supporting the featured players in a musical comedy or revue
a :  a part of a song or hymn recurring at intervals
b :  the part of a drama sung or spoken by the chorus
c :  a composition to be sung by a number of voices in concert
d :  the main part of a popular song; also :  a jazz variation on a melodic theme
a :  something performed, sung, or uttered simultaneously or unanimously by a number of persons or animals <a chorus of boos> <that eternal chorus of: “Are we there yet?” from the back seat — Sheila More>
b :  sounds so uttered <visitors are taken to the woods by car to hear the mournful choruses of howling wolves — Bob Gaines>
in chorus
:  in unison <answering in chorus>

Origin of CHORUS

Latin, ring dance, chorus, from Greek choros
First Known Use: 1567

Related to CHORUS

Other Music Terms

cacophony, chorister, concerto, counterpoint, madrigal, obbligato, presto, presto, refrain, riff, segue



: to say (something) all together : to say (something) in chorus

Full Definition of CHORUS

transitive verb
:  to sing or utter in chorus

First Known Use of CHORUS


Other Music Terms

cacophony, chorister, concerto, counterpoint, madrigal, obbligato, presto, presto, refrain, riff, segue
CHORUS Defined for Kids


noun cho·rus \ˈkr-əs\

Definition of CHORUS for Kids

:  a group of singers :  choir
:  a group of dancers and singers (as in a musical comedy)
:  a part of a song or hymn that is repeated every so often :  refrain
:  a song meant to be sung by a group :  group singing
:  sounds uttered by a group of persons or animals together <There was a chorus of deep growls … — Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book>



Definition of CHORUS for Kids

:  to speak, sing, or sound at the same time or together <“Yes, yes!” they chorused. “Come on! Let's go!” — Roald Dahl, James and the Giant Peach>


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