

noun col·lage \kə-ˈläzh, k-, kō-\

: a work of art that is made by attaching pieces of different materials (such as paper, cloth, or wood) to a flat surface

: the art or method of making collages

: a collection of different things

Full Definition of COLLAGE

a :  an artistic composition made of various materials (as paper, cloth, or wood) glued on a surface
b :  a creative work that resembles such a composition in incorporating various materials or elements <the album is a collage of several musical styles>
:  the art of making collages
:  hodgepodge <a collage of ideas>
:  a work (as a film) having disparate scenes in rapid succession without transitions
collage transitive verb
col·lag·ist \-ˈlä-zhist\ noun

Origin of COLLAGE

French, literally, gluing, from coller to glue, from colle glue, from Vulgar Latin *colla, from Greek kolla
First Known Use: 1919

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COLLAGE Defined for Kids


noun col·lage \kə-ˈläzh\

Definition of COLLAGE for Kids

:  a work of art made by gluing pieces of different materials to a flat surface


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