Medical Dictionary


noun Coo·pe·ria \kü-ˈpir-ē-ə\

Medical Definition of COOPERIA

:  a genus of small reddish brown nematode worms (family Trichostrongylidae) including several species infesting the small intestine of sheep, goats, and cattle and sometimes held responsible for marked catarrhal inflammation, anemia, and diarrhea
coop·er·id \ˈküp-ə-rəd\ noun

Biographical Note for COOPERIA

Cur·tice \ˈkərt-əs\ Cooper (1856–1939), American veterinarian. Throughout his career Curtice worked on the eradication of various diseases in sheep, cattle, and poultry. He specialized in parasitology, investigating ticks and worms in particular. The genus Cooperia of nematode worms is derived from his first name.


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