

adjective \ˈdeft\

: skillful and clever

: able to do something quickly and accurately

Full Definition of DEFT

:  characterized by facility and skill
deft·ly adverb
deft·ness \ˈdef(t)-nəs\ noun

Origin of DEFT

Middle English defte gentle — more at daft
First Known Use: 15th century

Synonym Discussion of DEFT

dexterous, adroit, deft mean ready and skilled in physical movement. dexterous implies expertness with consequent facility and quickness in manipulation <unrolled the sleeping bag with a dexterous toss>. adroit implies dexterity but usually also stresses resourcefulness or artfulness or inventiveness <the magician's adroit response to the failure of her prop won applause>. deft emphasizes lightness, neatness, and sureness of touch or handling <a surgeon's deft manipulation of the scalpel>.

Rhymes with DEFT

DEFTLY Defined for Kids


adjective \ˈdeft\

Definition of DEFT for Kids

:  quick and skillful in action <He cut hair with deft fingers.>
deft·ly adverb


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