

adjective fee·ble \ˈfē-bəl\

: very weak

: not good enough : not successful or effective

fee·bler \-b(ə-)lər\ fee·blest \-b(ə-)ləst\

Full Definition of FEEBLE

a :  markedly lacking in strength
b :  indicating weakness
a :  deficient in qualities or resources that indicate vigor, authority, force, or efficiency
b :  inadequate, inferior
fee·ble·ness \-bəl-nəs\ noun
fee·bly \-blē\ adverb

Origin of FEEBLE

Middle English feble, from Anglo-French, from Latin flebilis lamentable, wretched, from flēre to weep — more at bleat
First Known Use: 12th century

Synonym Discussion of FEEBLE

weak, feeble, frail, fragile, infirm, decrepit mean not strong enough to endure strain, pressure, or strenuous effort. weak applies to deficiency or inferiority in strength or power of any sort <felt weak after the surgery>. feeble suggests extreme weakness inviting pity or contempt <a feeble attempt to walk>. frail implies delicacy and slightness of constitution or structure <a frail teenager unable to enjoy sports>. fragile suggests frailty and brittleness unable to resist rough usage <a reclusive poet too fragile for the rigors of this world>. infirm suggests instability, unsoundness, and insecurity due to old age or crippling illness <infirm residents requiring constant care>. decrepit implies being worn-out or broken-down from long use or old age <the dowager's decrepit retainers>.
FEEBLENESS Defined for Kids


adjective fee·ble \ˈfē-bəl\
fee·bler \-blər\fee·blest \-bləst\

Definition of FEEBLE for Kids

:  lacking in strength or endurance <a feeble old dog>
:  not effective or sufficient <a feeble attempt> <Her feeble cry could not be heard.>
fee·ble·ness \-bəl-nəs\ noun
fee·bly \-blē\ adverb


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