

adjective ge·nial \ˈjēn-yəl, ˈjē-nē-əl\

Definition of GENIAL

obsolete :  of or relating to marriage or generation <the genial bed — John Milton>
obsolete :  inborn, native
a :  favorable to growth or comfort :  mild <genial sunshine>
b :  marked by or diffusing sympathy or friendliness <your genial host>
:  displaying or marked by genius
ge·nial·i·ty \ˌjē-nē-ˈa-lə-tē, jēn-ˈyal-\ noun
ge·nial·ly \ˈjēn-yə-lē\ adverb

Origin of GENIAL

Latin genialis, from genius
First Known Use: 1566

Synonym Discussion of GENIAL

gracious, cordial, affable, genial, sociable mean markedly pleasant and easy in social intercourse. gracious implies courtesy and kindly consideration <the gracious award winner thanked her colleagues>. cordial stresses warmth and heartiness <our host was cordial as he greeted us>. affable implies easy approachability and readiness to respond pleasantly to conversation or requests or proposals <though wealthy, she was affable to all>. genial stresses cheerfulness and even joviality <a genial companion with a ready quip>. sociable suggests a genuine liking for the companionship of others <sociable people who enjoy entertaining>.

Rhymes with GENIAL


adjective ge·ni·al \ji-ˈnī(-ə)l\

Definition of GENIAL

:  of or relating to the chin

Origin of GENIAL

Greek geneion chin, from genys jaw — more at chin
First Known Use: 1831

Other Anatomy Terms

bilateral symmetry, carotid, cartilage, dorsal, entrails, prehensile, renal, solar plexus, supine, thoracic, ventral
GENIALITY Defined for Kids


adjective ge·nial \ˈjēn-yəl\

Definition of GENIAL for Kids

:  cheerful and pleasant <a genial host>
ge·nial·ly \ˈjēn-yə-lē\ adverb
Medical Dictionary


adjective ge·ni·al \ji-ˈnī(-ə)l\

Medical Definition of GENIAL

:  of or relating to the chin


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