

adjective \ˈgil-tē\

: responsible for committing a crime or doing something bad or wrong

: showing that you know you have done something bad or wrong

: feeling bad because you have done something bad or wrong or because you believe you have done something bad or wrong


Full Definition of GUILTY

:  justly chargeable with or responsible for a usually grave breach of conduct or a crime
obsolete :  justly liable to or deserving of a penalty
a :  suggesting or involving guilt
b :  aware of or suffering from guilt <guilty consciences>
guilt·i·ly \-tə-lē\ adverb
guilt·i·ness \-tē-nəs\ noun

First Known Use of GUILTY

before 12th century

Synonym Discussion of GUILTY

blameworthy, blamable, guilty, culpable mean deserving reproach or punishment. blameworthy and blamable apply to any degree of reprehensibility <conduct adjudged blameworthy> <an accident for which no one is blamable>. guilty implies responsibility for or consciousness of crime, sin, or, at the least, grave error or misdoing <guilty of a breach of etiquette>. culpable is weaker than guilty and is likely to connote malfeasance or errors of ignorance, omission, or negligence <culpable neglect>.

Other Legal Terms

actionable, alienable, carceral, chattel, complicity, decedent, larceny, malfeasance, modus operandi

Rhymes with GUILTY

GUILTINESS Defined for Kids


adjective \ˈgil-tē\

Definition of GUILTY for Kids

:  responsible for having done wrong
:  suffering from or showing bad feelings about having done wrong <I feel guilty about lying.>
guilt·i·ly \-tə-lē\ adverb


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