

verb in·sin·u·ate \in-ˈsin-yə-ˌwāt, -yü-ˌāt\

: to say (something, especially something bad or insulting) in an indirect way

: to gradually make (yourself) a part of a group, a person's life, etc., often by behaving in a dishonest way


Full Definition of INSINUATE

transitive verb
a :  to introduce (as an idea) gradually or in a subtle, indirect, or covert way <insinuate doubts into a trusting mind>
b :  to impart or suggest in an artful or indirect way :  imply <I resent what you're insinuating>
:  to introduce (as oneself) by stealthy, smooth, or artful means
intransitive verb
archaic :  to enter gently, slowly, or imperceptibly :  creep
archaic :  to ingratiate oneself
in·sin·u·a·tive \-ˌwā-tiv, -ˌā-tiv\ adjective
in·sin·u·a·tor \-ˌwā-tər, -ˌā-tər\ noun


Latin insinuatus, past participle of insinuare, from in- + sinuare to bend, curve, from sinus curve
First Known Use: 1529

Synonym Discussion of INSINUATE

introduce, insert, insinuate, interpolate, intercalate, interpose, interject mean to put between or among others. introduce is a general term for bringing or placing a thing or person into a group or body already in existence <introduced a new topic into the conversation>. insert implies putting into a fixed or open space between or among <inserted a clause in the contract>. insinuate implies introducing gradually or by gentle pressure <insinuated himself into the group>. interpolate applies to the inserting of something extraneous or spurious <interpolated her own comments into the report>. intercalate suggests an intrusive inserting of something in an existing series or sequence <new chapters intercalated with the old>. interpose suggests inserting an obstruction or cause of delay <interpose barriers to communication>. interject implies an abrupt or forced introduction <interjected a question>.

suggest, imply, hint, intimate, insinuate mean to convey an idea indirectly. suggest may stress putting into the mind by association of ideas, awakening of a desire, or initiating a train of thought <a film title that suggests its subject matter>. imply is close to suggest but may indicate a more definite or logical relation of the unexpressed idea to the expressed <measures implying that bankruptcy was imminent>. hint implies the use of slight or remote suggestion with a minimum of overt statement <hinted that she might get the job>. intimate stresses delicacy of suggestion without connoting any lack of candor <intimates that there is more to the situation than meets the eye>. insinuate applies to the conveying of a usually unpleasant idea in a sly underhanded manner <insinuated that there were shady dealings>.

Rhymes with INSINUATE

abbreviate, abominate, accelerate, accentuate, accommodate, acculturate, accumulate, adjudicate, adulterate, affiliate, agglomerate, alienate, alleviate, alliterate, amalgamate, ameliorate, amyl nitrate, annihilate, annunciate, anticipate, apostolate, appreciate, appropriate, approximate, arpeggiate, articulate, asphyxiate, assassinate, asseverate, assimilate, associate, at any rate, attenuate, authenticate, barbiturate, bicarbonate, calumniate, capacitate, capitulate, catholicate, certificate, coagulate, coelenterate, collaborate, commemorate, commiserate, communicate, compassionate, concatenate, conciliate, confabulate, confederate, conglomerate, congratulate, consolidate, contaminate, cooperate, coordinate, corroborate, deactivate, debilitate, decapitate, decelerate, decerebrate, deconcentrate, deconsecrate, decorticate, decrepitate, de-escalate, defibrinate, defoliate, degenerate, deliberate, delineate, demodulate, denominate, depopulate, depreciate, deracinate, deregulate, desegregate, desiderate, detoxicate, devaluate, diaconate, dilapidate, discriminate, disintegrate, disseminate, dissimulate, dissociate, domesticate, effectuate, ejaculate, elaborate, electroplate, eliminate, elucidate, emaciate, emancipate, emasculate, encapsulate, enumerate, enunciate, episcopate, equivocate, eradicate, etiolate, evacuate, evaluate, evaporate, eventuate, eviscerate, exacerbate, exaggerate, exasperate, excited state, excogitate, excoriate, exfoliate, exhilarate, exonerate, expatiate, expatriate, expectorate, expostulate, expropriate, extenuate, exterminate, extrapolate, facilitate, felicitate, fish or cut bait, garrison state, gesticulate, habilitate, habituate, hallucinate, humiliate, hydrogenate, hypothecate, illuminate, impersonate, inactivate, inaugurate, incarcerate, incinerate, incorporate, incriminate, indoctrinate, inebriate, infatuate, infuriate, ingratiate, ingurgitate, initiate, inoculate, inseminate, instantiate, intercalate, interpolate, interrelate, interrogate, intimidate, intoxicate, invalidate, investigate, invigorate, irradiate, Italianate, Korea Strait, lanceolate, legitimate, luxuriate, mandarinate, manipulate, matriarchate, matriculate, Merthiolate, necessitate, negotiate, noncandidate, obliterate, officiate, Orange Free State, orientate, originate, oxygenate, participate, particulate, patriarchate, patriciate, perambulate, peregrinate, perpetuate, pontificate, precipitate, predestinate, predominate, prefabricate, premeditate, preponderate, prevaricate, procrastinate, prognosticate, proliferate, propitiate, proportionate, quadruplicate, quintuplicate, reciprocate, recriminate, recuperate, redecorate, reduplicate, reeducate, refrigerate, regenerate, regurgitate, reincarnate, reintegrate, reiterate, rejuvenate, remunerate, repatriate, repudiate, resuscitate, retaliate, reticulate, revaluate, reverberate, scholasticate, second estate, self-flagellate, self-immolate, self-pollinate, seventy-eight, sextuplicate, Singapore Strait, sophisticate, subordinate, substantiate, syllabicate, tergiversate, transliterate, triangulate, vanity plate, variegate, vaticinate, vituperate, vociferate
INSINUATIVE Defined for Kids


verb in·sin·u·ate \in-ˈsin-yə-ˌwāt\

Definition of INSINUATE for Kids

:  2hint, imply <She insinuated that I had cheated.>
:  to bring or get in little by little or in a secret way <He insinuated himself into the group.>


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