

noun Is·lam \is-ˈläm, iz-, -ˈlam, ˈis-ˌ, ˈiz-ˌ\

: the religion which teaches that there is only one God and that Muhammad is God's prophet : the religion of Muslims

: the modern nations in which Islam is the main religion

Full Definition of ISLAM

:  the religious faith of Muslims including belief in Allah as the sole deity and in Muhammad as his prophet
a :  the civilization erected upon Islamic faith
b :  the group of modern nations in which Islam is the dominant religion
Is·lam·ic \is-ˈlä-mik, iz-, -ˈla-\ adjective
Is·lam·ics \-miks\ noun plural but singular or plural in construction

Origin of ISLAM

Arabic islām submission (to the will of God)
First Known Use: 1817

Other Religion (Eastern and Other) Terms

Zen, antinomian, avatar, gnosticism, illuminati, ineffable, karma, koan, mantra
ISLAMICS Defined for Kids


noun Is·lam \is-ˈläm, iz-\

Definition of ISLAM for Kids

:  a religion based on belief in Allah as the only God and in Muhammad the prophet of God
Is·lam·ic \is-ˈlä-mik, iz-\ adjective


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