

noun ova·tion \ō-ˈvā-shən\

: an occurrence in which a group of people at a play, speech, sporting event, etc., show enthusiastic approval or appreciation by clapping their hands together over and over

Full Definition of OVATION

:  a ceremony attending the entering of Rome by a general who had won a victory of less importance than that for which a triumph was granted
:  an expression or demonstration of popular acclaim especially by enthusiastic applause <received a standing ovation>

Origin of OVATION

Latin ovation-, ovatio, from ovare to exult; akin to Greek euoi, interjection used in bacchic revels
First Known Use: 1533
OVATION Defined for Kids


noun ova·tion \ō-ˈvā-shən\

Definition of OVATION for Kids

:  an expression of approval or enthusiasm made by clapping or cheering


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