

adjective pal·at·able \ˈpa-lə-tə-bəl\

: having a pleasant or agreeable taste

: pleasant or acceptable to someone

Full Definition of PALATABLE

:  agreeable to the palate or taste
:  agreeable or acceptable to the mind
pal·at·abil·i·ty \ˌpa-lə-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun
pal·at·able·ness noun
pal·at·ably \ˈpa-lə-tə-blē\ adverb

First Known Use of PALATABLE


Synonym Discussion of PALATABLE

palatable, appetizing, savory, tasty, toothsome mean agreeable or pleasant especially to the sense of taste. palatable often applies to something that is found to be merely agreeable <butterflies that birds find palatable>. appetizing suggests a whetting of the appetite and applies to aroma and appearance as well as taste <appetizing hors d'oeuvres>. savory applies to both taste and aroma and suggests piquancy and often spiciness <dumplings with savory fillings>. tasty implies a pronounced taste <a tart and tasty pie>. toothsome stresses the notion of agreeableness and sometimes implies tenderness or daintiness <an enticing array of toothsome desserts>.
PALATABLY Defined for Kids


adjective pal·at·able \ˈpa-lə-tə-bəl\

Definition of PALATABLE for Kids

:  pleasant to the taste


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