

noun pro·por·tion·al \prə-ˈpr-shnə1, -shə-nəl\

Definition of PROPORTIONAL

:  a number or quantity in a proportion

First Known Use of PROPORTIONAL

14th century

Other Mathematics and Statistics Terms

abscissa, denominator, divisor, equilateral, exponent, hypotenuse, logarithm, oblique, radii, rhomb



: having a size, number, or amount that is directly related to or appropriate for something

: having parts that are the correct or appropriate size in relation to each other

Full Definition of PROPORTIONAL

a :  corresponding in size, degree, or intensity
b :  having the same or a constant ratio <corresponding sides of similar triangles are proportional>
:  regulated or determined in size or degree with reference to proportions <a proportional system of immigration quotas>
pro·por·tion·al·i·ty \-ˌpr-shə-ˈna-lə-tē\ noun
pro·por·tion·al·ly \-ˈpr-shnə-lē, -shə-nəl-ē\ adverb

First Known Use of PROPORTIONAL

15th century

Other Mathematics and Statistics Terms

abscissa, denominator, divisor, equilateral, exponent, hypotenuse, logarithm, oblique, radii, rhomb
PROPORTIONAL Defined for Kids


adjective pro·por·tion·al \prə-ˈpr-shə-nəl\

Definition of PROPORTIONAL for Kids

:  having a direct relationship to something in size, number, or amount <The children received allowances proportional to their ages.>
pro·por·tion·al·ly adverb
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