


: again

: back to an original place, condition, etc.

Full Definition of RE-

:  again :  anew <retell>
:  back :  backward <recall>
  1. re·ab·sorp·tion
  2. re·ac·cel·er·ate
  3. re·ac·cept
  4. re·ac·ces·sion
  5. re·ac·cli·ma·tize
  6. re·ac·cred·it
  7. re·ac·cred·i·ta·tion
  8. re·ac·quaint
  9. re·ac·quire
  10. re·ac·qui·si·tion
  11. re·ac·ti·vate
  12. re·ac·ti·va·tion
  13. re·ad·dress
  14. re·ad·just
  15. re·ad·just·ment
  16. re·ad·mis·sion
  17. re·ad·mit
  18. re·adopt
  19. re·af·firm
  20. re·af·fir·ma·tion
  21. re·af·fix
  22. re·al·lo·cate
  23. re·al·lo·ca·tion
  24. re·anal·y·sis
  25. re·an·a·lyze
  26. re·an·i·mate
  27. re·an·i·ma·tion
  28. re·an·nex
  29. re·an·nex·a·tion
  30. re·ap·pear
  31. re·ap·pear·ance
  32. re·ap·pli·ca·tion
  33. re·ap·ply
  34. re·ap·point
  35. re·ap·point·ment
  36. re·ap·prais·al
  37. re·ap·praise
  38. re·ap·pro·pri·ate
  39. re·ap·prove
  40. re·ar·gue
  41. re·ar·gu·ment
  42. re·arous·al
  43. re·arouse
  44. re·ar·range
  45. re·ar·range·ment
  46. re·ar·rest
  47. re·ar·tic·u·late
  48. re·as·cend
  49. re·as·cent
  50. re·as·sem·blage
  51. re·as·sem·ble
  52. re·as·sem·bly
  53. re·as·sert
  54. re·as·ser·tion
  55. re·as·sess
  56. re·as·sess·ment
  57. re·as·sign
  58. re·as·sign·ment
  59. re·as·sume
  60. re·at·tach
  61. re·at·tach·ment
  62. re·at·tain
  63. re·at·tempt
  64. re·at·tri·bute
  65. re·at·tri·bu·tion
  66. re·au·tho·ri·za·tion
  67. re·au·tho·rize
  68. re·awak·en
  69. re·bait
  70. re·bal·ance
  71. re·bap·tism
  72. re·bap·tize
  73. re·be·gin
  74. re·bid
  75. re·bind
  76. re·blend
  77. re·bloom
  78. re·board
  79. re·boil
  80. re·book
  81. re·boot
  82. re·bore
  83. re·bot·tle
  84. re·breed
  85. re·buri·al
  86. re·bury
  87. re·buy
  88. re·cal·cu·late
  89. re·cal·cu·la·tion
  90. re·cal·i·brate
  91. re·cal·i·bra·tion
  92. re·cat·e·go·rize
  93. re·cen·tral·i·za·tion
  94. re·cen·tri·fuge
  95. re·cer·ti·fi·ca·tion
  96. re·cer·ti·fy
  97. re·chal·lenge
  98. re·chan·nel
  99. re·char·ter
  100. re·check
  101. re·cho·reo·graph
  102. re·chris·ten
  103. re–Chris·tian·ize
  104. re·chro·mato·graph
  105. re·chro·ma·tog·ra·phy
  106. re·cir·cu·late
  107. re·cir·cu·la·tion
  108. re·clad
  109. re·clas·si·fi·ca·tion
  110. re·clas·si·fy
  111. re·clothe
  112. re·cock
  113. re·cod·i·fi·ca·tion
  114. re·cod·i·fy
  115. re·col·o·ni·za·tion
  116. re·col·o·nize
  117. re·col·or
  118. re·com·mence
  119. re·com·mence·ment
  120. re·com·mis·sion
  121. re·com·pi·la·tion
  122. re·com·pile
  123. re·com·pu·ta·tion
  124. re·com·pute
  125. re·con·ceive
  126. re·con·cen·trate
  127. re·con·cen·tra·tion
  128. re·con·cep·tion
  129. re·con·cep·tu·al·i·za·tion
  130. re·con·cep·tu·al·ize
  131. re·con·dense
  132. re·con·fig·u·ra·tion
  133. re·con·fig·ure
  134. re·con·nect
  135. re·con·nec·tion
  136. re·con·quer
  137. re·con·quest
  138. re·con·se·crate
  139. re·con·se·cra·tion
  140. re·con·sol·i·date
  141. re·con·tact
  142. re·con·tam·i·nate
  143. re·con·tam·i·na·tion
  144. re·con·tour
  145. re·con·vene
  146. re·con·ver·sion
  147. re·con·vert
  148. re·con·vict
  149. re·con·vic·tion
  150. re·con·vince
  151. re·copy
  152. re·cork
  153. re·cross
  154. re·cul·ti·vate
  155. re·ded·i·cate
  156. re·ded·i·ca·tion
  157. re·de·fect
  158. re·de·liv·er
  159. re·de·liv·ery
  160. re·de·pos·it
  161. re·de·ter·mi·na·tion
  162. re·de·ter·mine
  163. re·di·ges·tion
  164. re·dis·cov·er
  165. re·dis·cov·ery
  166. re·dis·cuss
  167. re·dis·play
  168. re·dis·pose
  169. re·dis·po·si·tion
  170. re·dis·solve
  171. re·dis·till
  172. re·dis·til·la·tion
  173. re·di·vide
  174. re·di·vi·sion
  175. re·don
  176. re·draft
  177. re·draw
  178. re·dream
  179. re·drill
  180. re·dub
  181. re·el·i·gi·bil·i·ty
  182. re·el·i·gi·ble
  183. re·emerge
  184. re·emer·gence
  185. re·emis·sion
  186. re·emit
  187. re·em·pha·sis
  188. re·em·pha·size
  189. re·em·ploy
  190. re·em·ploy·ment
  191. re·en·coun·ter
  192. re·en·dow
  193. re·en·er·gize
  194. re·en·gage
  195. re·en·gage·ment
  196. re·en·grave
  197. re·en·list
  198. re·en·list·ment
  199. re·en·roll
  200. re·en·throne
  201. re·en·vi·sion
  202. re·equip
  203. re·equip·ment
  204. re·erect
  205. re·es·ca·late
  206. re·es·ca·la·tion
  207. re·es·tab·lish
  208. re·es·tab·lish·ment
  209. re·es·ti·mate
  210. re·eval·u·ate
  211. re·eval·u·a·tion
  212. re·ex·am·i·na·tion
  213. re·ex·am·ine
  214. re·ex·pe·ri·ence
  215. re·ex·plore
  216. re·ex·port
  217. re·ex·por·ta·tion
  218. re·ex·pose
  219. re·ex·po·sure
  220. re·ex·press
  221. re·face
  222. re·feed
  223. re·feel
  224. re·fight
  225. re·file
  226. re·find
  227. re·fire
  228. re·fix
  229. re·float
  230. re·fold
  231. re·forge
  232. re·for·mat
  233. re·for·mu·late
  234. re·for·mu·la·tion
  235. re·for·ti·fi·ca·tion
  236. re·for·ti·fy
  237. re·found
  238. re·foun·da·tion
  239. re·frame
  240. re·freeze
  241. re·fry
  242. re·fur·nish
  243. re·gain
  244. re·gath·er
  245. re·gear
  246. re·gild
  247. re·give
  248. re·glaze
  249. re·grade
  250. re·graft
  251. re·grant
  252. re·green
  253. re·grind
  254. re·groom
  255. re·groove
  256. re·growth
  257. re·han·dle
  258. re·hang
  259. re·har·mo·nize
  260. re·heat
  261. re·hinge
  262. re·hire
  263. re·hos·pi·tal·i·za·tion
  264. re·hos·pi·tal·ize
  265. re·hu·man·ize
  266. re·iden·ti·fy
  267. re·ig·nite
  268. re·ig·ni·tion
  269. re·im·age
  270. re·im·merse
  271. re·im·plant
  272. re·im·plan·ta·tion
  273. re·im·port
  274. re·im·por·ta·tion
  275. re·im·pose
  276. re·im·po·si·tion
  277. re·in·cor·po·rate
  278. re·in·cor·po·ra·tion
  279. re·in·dict
  280. re·in·dict·ment
  281. re·in·fes·ta·tion
  282. re·in·flate
  283. re·in·fla·tion
  284. re·in·hab·it
  285. re·ini·tiate
  286. re·in·ject
  287. re·in·jec·tion
  288. re·in·jure
  289. re·in·ju·ry
  290. re·ink
  291. re·in·ner·vate
  292. re·in·ner·va·tion
  293. re·in·oc·u·late
  294. re·in·oc·u·la·tion
  295. re·in·sert
  296. re·in·ser·tion
  297. re·in·spect
  298. re·in·spec·tion
  299. re·in·spire
  300. re·in·stall
  301. re·in·stal·la·tion
  302. re·in·sti·tute
  303. re·in·sti·tu·tion·al·i·za·tion
  304. re·in·ter
  305. re·in·ter·ment
  306. re·in·ter·view
  307. re·in·tro·duce
  308. re·in·tro·duc·tion
  309. re·in·vade
  310. re·in·va·sion
  311. re·in·ves·ti·gate
  312. re·in·ves·ti·ga·tion
  313. re·in·vig·o·rate
  314. re·in·vig·o·ra·tion
  315. re·in·vig·o·ra·tor
  316. re·jack·et
  317. re·judge
  318. re·jug·gle
  319. re·key
  320. re·key·board
  321. re·kin·dle
  322. re·knit
  323. re·la·bel
  324. re·lac·quer
  325. re·land·scape
  326. re·launch
  327. re·learn
  328. re·le·git·i·mize
  329. re·lend
  330. re·li·cense
  331. re·li·cen·sure
  332. re·light
  333. re·link
  334. re·liq·ue·fy
  335. re·load
  336. re·load·able
  337. re·lock
  338. re·look
  339. re·lu·bri·cate
  340. re·lu·bri·ca·tion
  341. re·mar·ket
  342. re·mar·riage
  343. re·mar·ry
  344. re·mate
  345. re·ma·te·ri·al·ize
  346. re·mea·sure
  347. re·mea·sure·ment
  348. re·meet
  349. re·melt
  350. re·merge
  351. re·mi·gra·tion
  352. re·mil·i·ta·ri·za·tion
  353. re·mil·i·ta·rize
  354. re·mo·bi·li·za·tion
  355. re·mo·bi·lize
  356. re·moist·en
  357. re·mold
  358. re·mon·e·ti·za·tion
  359. re·mon·e·tize
  360. re·mo·ti·vate
  361. re·mo·ti·va·tion
  362. re·my·thol·o·gize
  363. re·nail
  364. re·name
  365. re·na·tion·al·i·za·tion
  366. re·na·tion·al·ize
  367. re·nest
  368. re·num·ber
  369. re·ob·serve
  370. re·oc·cu·pa·tion
  371. re·oc·cu·py
  372. re·oc·cur
  373. re·oc·cur·rence
  374. re·oil
  375. re·op·er·ate
  376. re·op·er·a·tion
  377. re·or·ches·trate
  378. re·or·ches·tra·tion
  379. re·ori·ent
  380. re·ori·en·tate
  381. re·ori·en·ta·tion
  382. re·out·fit
  383. re·ox·i·da·tion
  384. re·ox·i·dize
  385. re·ox·y·gen·ate
  386. re·ox·y·gen·a·tion
  387. re·pack
  388. re·paint
  389. re·park
  390. re·patch
  391. re·pat·tern
  392. re·pave
  393. re·peg
  394. re·peo·ple
  395. re·pho·to·graph
  396. re·phrase
  397. re·plan
  398. re·plas·ter
  399. re·plate
  400. re·pledge
  401. re·plot
  402. re·plumb
  403. re·pol·ish
  404. re·poll
  405. re·pop·u·lar·ize
  406. re·pop·u·late
  407. re·pop·u·la·tion
  408. re·pot
  409. re·pres·sur·ize
  410. re·price
  411. re·pri·vat·i·za·tion
  412. re·pri·vat·ize
  413. re·pro·vi·sion
  414. re·pump
  415. re·punc·tu·a·tion
  416. re·pur·chase
  417. re·pu·ri·fy
  418. re·rack
  419. re·raise
  420. re·read
  421. re·read·ing
  422. re·re·cord
  423. re·reg·is·ter
  424. re·reg·is·tra·tion
  425. re·reg·u·late
  426. re·reg·u·la·tion
  427. re·re·lease
  428. re·re·view
  429. re·rig
  430. re·roll
  431. re·roof
  432. re·route
  433. re·sail
  434. re·sam·ple
  435. re·saw
  436. re·school
  437. re·score
  438. re·screen
  439. re·sculpt
  440. re·seal
  441. re·seal·able
  442. re·sea·son
  443. re·seat
  444. re·se·cure
  445. re·see
  446. re·seg·re·gate
  447. re·seg·re·ga·tion
  448. re·sell
  449. re·sell·er
  450. re·sen·si·tize
  451. re·sen·tence
  452. re·ser·vice
  453. re·set·tle
  454. re·set·tle·ment
  455. re·sew
  456. re·shin·gle
  457. re·shoe
  458. re·shoot
  459. re·show
  460. re·sight
  461. re·sil·ver
  462. re·site
  463. re·size
  464. re·slate
  465. re·soak
  466. re·so·cial·i·za·tion
  467. re·so·cial·ize
  468. re·sod
  469. re·sol·der
  470. re·sole
  471. re·so·lid·i·fi·ca·tion
  472. re·so·lid·i·fy
  473. re·sow
  474. re·spool
  475. re·spot
  476. re·spray
  477. re·sprout
  478. re·sta·bi·lize
  479. re·stack
  480. re·stage
  481. re·stamp
  482. re·stim·u·late
  483. re·stim·u·la·tion
  484. re·stock
  485. re·stoke
  486. re·strength·en
  487. re·stress
  488. re·study
  489. re·stuff
  490. re·style
  491. re·sub·mis·sion
  492. re·sub·mit
  493. re·sum·mon
  494. re·sup·ply
  495. re·sur·vey
  496. re·sus·pend
  497. re·sus·pen·sion
  498. re·syn·the·sis
  499. re·syn·the·size
  500. re·tack·le
  501. re·tag
  502. re·tar·get
  503. re·taste
  504. re·teach
  505. re·team
  506. re·test
  507. re·tex·ture
  508. re·the·o·ri·za·tion
  509. re·the·o·rize
  510. re·thread
  511. re·tie
  512. re·tight·en
  513. re·tile
  514. re·time
  515. re·trace
  516. re·trans·fer
  517. re·trans·form
  518. re·trans·for·ma·tion
  519. re·trans·mis·sion
  520. re·trans·mit
  521. re·try
  522. re·tune
  523. re·type
  524. re·uni·fi·ca·tion
  525. re·uni·fy
  526. re·up·hol·ster
  527. re·uti·li·za·tion
  528. re·uti·lize
  529. re·vac·ci·nate
  530. re·vac·ci·na·tion
  531. re·val·i·date
  532. re·val·i·da·tion
  533. re·val·o·ri·za·tion
  534. re·val·o·rize
  535. re·vic·tim·ize
  536. re·vict·ual
  537. re·vi·su·al·i·za·tion
  538. re·vote
  539. re·warm
  540. re·wash
  541. re·weave
  542. re·weigh
  543. re·wet
  544. re·wire
  545. re·wrap
  546. re·zone

Origin of RE-

Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin re-, red- back, again, against



Definition of RE- for Kids

:  again <refill>
:  back :  backward <recall>


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