

adjective \ˈskim-pē\

: very small in size or amount


Full Definition of SKIMPY

:  deficient in supply or execution especially through skimping :  scanty
skimp·i·ly \-pə-lē\ adverb
skimp·i·ness \-pē-nəs\ noun

First Known Use of SKIMPY


Synonym Discussion of SKIMPY

meager, scanty, scant, skimpy, spare, sparse mean falling short of what is normal, necessary, or desirable. meager implies the absence of elements, qualities, or numbers necessary to a thing's richness, substance, or potency <a meager portion of meat>. scanty stresses insufficiency in amount, quantity, or extent <supplies too scanty to last the winter>. scant suggests a falling short of what is desired or desirable rather than of what is essential <in January the daylight hours are scant>. skimpy usually suggests niggardliness or penury as the cause of the deficiency <tacky housing developments on skimpy lots>. spare may suggest a slight falling short of adequacy or merely an absence of superfluity <a spare, concise style of writing>. sparse implies a thin scattering of units <a sparse population>.

Rhymes with SKIMPY

SKIMPILY Defined for Kids


adjective \ˈskim-pē\

Definition of SKIMPY for Kids

:  very small in size or amount :  scanty


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