

noun tho·rax \ˈthr-ˌaks\

: the part of an animal's body between the neck and the waist

: the middle section of an insect's body

plural tho·rax·es or tho·ra·ces \ˈthr-ə-ˌsēz\

Full Definition of THORAX

:  the part of the mammalian body between the neck and the abdomen; also :  its cavity in which the heart and lungs lie
:  the middle of the three chief divisions of the body of an insect; also :  the corresponding part of a crustacean or an arachnid

Origin of THORAX

Middle English, from Latin thorac-, thorax breastplate, thorax, from Greek thōrak-, thōrax
First Known Use: 15th century

Other Anatomy Terms

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THORAX Defined for Kids


noun tho·rax \ˈthr-ˌaks\
plural tho·rax·es or tho·ra·ces \ˈthr-ə-ˌsēz\

Definition of THORAX for Kids

:  the part of the body of a mammal that lies between the neck and the abdomen and contains the heart and lungs
:  the middle of the three main divisions of the body of an insect
Medical Dictionary


noun tho·rax \ˈthō(ə)r-ˌaks, ˈth(ə)r-\
plural tho·rax·es or tho·ra·ces \ˈthōr-ə-ˌsēz, ˈthr-\

Medical Definition of THORAX

:  the part of the mammalian body that is situated between the neck and the abdomen and supported by the ribs, costal cartilages, and sternum; also :  thoracic cavity
:  the middle of the three chief divisions of the body of an insect; also :  the corresponding part of a crustacean or an arachnid


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