

verb \ˈwān\

of the moon : to appear to become thinner or less full

: to become smaller or less : to decrease in size, amount, length, or quality


Full Definition of WANE

intransitive verb
:  to decrease in size, extent, or degree :  dwindle: as
a :  to diminish in phase or intensity —used chiefly of the moon, other satellites, and inferior planets
b :  to become less brilliant or powerful :  dim
c :  to flow out :  ebb
:  to fall gradually from power, prosperity, or influence

Origin of WANE

Middle English, from Old English wanian; akin to Old High German wanōn to wane, Old English wan wanting, deficient, Latin vanus empty, vain
First Known Use: before 12th century

Synonym Discussion of WANE

abate, subside, wane, ebb mean to die down in force or intensity. abate stresses the idea of progressive diminishing <the storm abated>. subside implies the ceasing of turbulence or agitation <the protests subsided after a few days>. wane suggests the fading or weakening of something good or impressive <waning enthusiasm>. ebb suggests the receding of something (as the tide) that commonly comes and goes <the ebbing of daylight>.

Other Astronomy Terms

gibbous, nadir, nebulous, penumbra, retrograde, sidereal, syzygy, wax, zenith



Definition of WANE

a :  the act or process of waning <strength on the wane>
b :  a period or time of waning; specifically :  the period from the full moon to the new moon
[Middle English, defect, from Old English wana; akin to Old English wan deficient] :  a defect in lumber characterized by bark or a lack of wood at a corner or edge

First Known Use of WANE

14th century

Other Astronomy Terms

gibbous, nadir, nebulous, penumbra, retrograde, sidereal, syzygy, wane, wax, zenith
WANING Defined for Kids


verb \ˈwān\

Definition of WANE for Kids

:  to grow smaller or less <His interest in the game was waning.> <The moon wanes.>
:  to grow shorter <The day is waning.>


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