Medical Dictionary


noun cy·cle \ˈsī-kəl\

Medical Definition of CYCLE

:  a recurring series of events: as a (1) :  a series of stages through which an organism tends to pass once in a fixed order <the common cycle of birth, growth, senescence and death—T. C. Schneirla & Gerard Piel>; also :  a series of stages through which a population of organisms tends to pass more or less in synchrony <the mosquito-hatching cycle>—see life cycle (2) :  a series of physiological, biochemical, or psychological stages that recur in the same individual—see cardiac cycle, menstrual cycle; krebs cycle b :  one complete performance of a vibration, electric oscillation, current alternation, or other periodic process c :  a series of ecological stages through which a substance tends to pass and which usually but not always leads back to the starting point <the cycle of nitrogen in the living world>
:  ring 2
cy·clic \ˈsī-klik also ˈsik-lik\ or cy·cli·cal \ˈsī-kli-kəl, ˈsik-li-\ adjective
cy·cli·cal·ly \-k(ə-)lē\ also cy·clic·ly \ˈsī-kli-klē, ˈsik-li-\ adverb
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