Medical Dictionary


noun in·ter·ven·tion \ˌint-ər-ˈven-chən\

Medical Definition of INTERVENTION

:  the act or fact or a method of interfering with the outcome or course especially of a condition or process (as to prevent harm or improve functioning) <relieving a variety of serious arrhythmias by surgical intervention—G. M. Lawrie et al> <develop interventions to prevent substance abuse—A. Kline et al>
in·ter·vene \-ˈvēn\ intransitive verb, in·ter·vened in·ter·ven·ing
in·ter·ven·tion·al \-ˈvench-(ə-)nəl\ adjective
in·ter·ven·tion·ist \-ˈven-chə-nist\ noun


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