

geographical name Je·ru·sa·lem \jə-ˈrü-s(ə-)ləm, -ˈrü-z(ə-)ləm\

Definition of JERUSALEM

city SW Asia NW of Dead Sea; divided 1948–67 between Jordan (old city) & Israel (new city); of Israel since 1950 & formerly of ancient kingdoms of Israel & Judah; old city under Israeli control since 1967 pop 657,500
Je·ru·sa·lem·ite \-lə-ˌmīt\ noun

Variants of JERUSALEM

Je·ru·sa·lem or ancient Hi·ero·sol·y·ma \ˌhī-(ə-)rō-ˈsä-lə-mə\ or biblical Je·bus \ˈjē-bəs\
JERUSALEM Defined for Kids


geographical name Je·ru·sa·lem \jə-ˈrü-s(ə-)ləm, -ˈrü-z(ə-)ləm\

Definition of JERUSALEM for Kids

city NW of Dead Sea divided 1948–67 between Israel & Jordan; capital of Israel
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