

verb as·sent \ə-ˈsent, a-\

: to agree to or approve of something (such as an idea or suggestion) especially after carefully thinking about it

Full Definition of ASSENT

intransitive verb
:  to agree to something especially after thoughtful consideration :  concur
as·sen·tor or as·sent·er \-ˈsen-tər\ noun

Examples of ASSENT

  1. Cornel West of Harvard introduced Bradley as my brother, my comrade. Then Bradley, donning drugstore reading glasses, standing motionless at the podium, took the air out of the cavernous hall with a lecture on the history of racism and the complexity of ethnic subcultures. He got nods of knowing assent, but he could have had a standing O. —Howard Fineman, Newsweek, 19 July1999

Origin of ASSENT

Middle English, from Anglo-French assentir, assenter, from Latin assentari, from assentire, from ad- + sentire to feel — more at sense
First Known Use: 14th century

Synonym Discussion of ASSENT

assent, consent, accede, acquiesce, agree, subscribe mean to concur with what has been proposed. assent implies an act involving the understanding or judgment and applies to propositions or opinions <voters assented to the proposal>. consent involves the will or feelings and indicates compliance with what is requested or desired <consented to their daughter's going>. accede implies a yielding, often under pressure, of assent or consent <officials acceded to the prisoners' demands>. acquiesce implies tacit acceptance or forbearance of opposition <acquiesced to his boss's wishes>. agree sometimes implies previous difference of opinion or attempts at persuasion <finally agreed to come along>. subscribe implies not only consent or assent but hearty approval and active support <subscribes wholeheartedly to the idea>.


noun as·sent \ə-ˈsent, a-\

Definition of ASSENT

:  an act of agreeing to something especially after thoughtful consideration :  an act of assenting :  acquiescence, agreement

Examples of ASSENT

  1. One day I arrived at class to discuss some abolition treaties written during the early Romantic period. An African American woman, Stephanie, was introduced to me by one of my students. Stephanie asked if she could sit in on the class, and I of course assented. —Laura Mandell, Profession, 1997

Origin of ASSENT

(see 1assent)
First Known Use: 14th century
ASSENTING Defined for Kids


verb as·sent \ə-ˈsent\

Definition of ASSENT for Kids

:  to agree to or approve of something <They refused to assent to the new rules.>



Definition of ASSENT for Kids

:  an act of agreeing to or approving of something <We mistakenly interpreted their handshake for assent.>


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