

adjective con·tin·u·ous \kən-ˈtin-yü-əs\

: continuing without stopping : happening or existing without a break or interruption

Full Definition of CONTINUOUS

:  marked by uninterrupted extension in space, time, or sequence
of a function :  having the property that the absolute value of the numerical difference between the value at a given point and the value at any point in a neighborhood of the given point can be made as close to zero as desired by choosing the neighborhood small enough
con·tin·u·ous·ly adverb
con·tin·u·ous·ness noun


Latin continuus, from continēre to hold together — more at contain
First Known Use: 1673

Synonym Discussion of CONTINUOUS

continual, continuous, constant, incessant, perpetual, perennial mean characterized by continued occurrence or recurrence. continual often implies a close prolonged succession or recurrence <continual showers the whole weekend>. continuous usually implies an uninterrupted flow or spatial extension <football's oldest continuous rivalry>. constant implies uniform or persistent occurrence or recurrence <lived in constant pain>. incessant implies ceaseless or uninterrupted activity <annoyed by the incessant quarreling>. perpetual suggests unfailing repetition or lasting duration <a land of perpetual snowfall>. perennial implies enduring existence often through constant renewal <a perennial source of controversy>.
CONTINUOUS Defined for Kids


adjective con·tin·u·ous \kən-ˈtin-yə-wəs\

Definition of CONTINUOUS for Kids

:  going on without stop <a continuous line of traffic>
con·tin·u·ous·ly adverb
Medical Dictionary


adjective con·tin·u·ous \kən-ˈtin-yə-wəs\

Medical Definition of CONTINUOUS

:  marked by uninterrupted extension in space, time, or sequence :  continuing without intermission or recurring regularly after minute interruptions <continuous vitamin injections>
con·tin·u·ous·ly adverb
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