

noun \ˈka\

Definition of COW

a :  the mature female of cattle (genus Bos)
b :  the mature female of various usually large animals (as an elephant, whale, or moose)
:  a domestic bovine animal regardless of sex or age
cowy \-ē\ adjective

Illustration of COW

Origin of COW

Middle English cou, from Old English cū; akin to Old High German kuo cow, Latin bos head of cattle, Greek bous, Sanskrit go
First Known Use: before 12th century

Other Mammals Terms

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Rhymes with COW



: to make (someone) too afraid to do something

Full Definition of COW

transitive verb
:  to destroy the resolve or courage of; also :  to bring to a state or an action by intimidation —used with into <like too many Asian armies, adept at cowing a population into feeding them — Edward Lansdale>
cowed·ly \ˈka(-ə)d-lē\ adverb

Origin of COW

probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Dan kue to subdue
First Known Use: 1581

Synonym Discussion of COW

intimidate, cow, bulldoze, bully, browbeat mean to frighten into submission. intimidate implies inducing fear or a sense of inferiority into another <intimidated by so many other bright freshmen>. cow implies reduction to a state where the spirit is broken or all courage is lost <not at all cowed by the odds against making it in show business>. bulldoze implies an intimidating or an overcoming of resistance usually by urgings, demands, or threats <bulldozed the city council into approving the plan>. bully implies intimidation through threats, insults, or aggressive behavior <bullied into giving up their lunch money>. browbeat implies a cowing through arrogant, scornful, or contemptuous treatment <browbeat the witness into a contradiction>.
COW Defined for Kids


noun \ˈka\

Definition of COW for Kids

:  the adult female of cattle or of any of various other large animals (as moose or seals)



Definition of COW for Kids

:  to make afraid <They were cowed by threats.>
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