

noun de·vo·tion \di-ˈvō-shən, dē-\

: a feeling of strong love or loyalty : the quality of being devoted

: the use of time, money, energy, etc., for a particular purpose

devotions : prayer, worship, or other religious activities that are done in private rather than in a religious service

Full Definition of DEVOTION

a :  religious fervor :  piety
b :  an act of prayer or private worship —usually used in plural
c :  a religious exercise or practice other than the regular corporate worship of a congregation
a :  the act of devoting <devotion of time and energy>
b :  the fact or state of being ardently dedicated and loyal <her devotion to the cause> <filial devotion>
obsolete :  the object of one's devotion

First Known Use of DEVOTION

13th century

Synonym Discussion of DEVOTION

fidelity, allegiance, fealty, loyalty, devotion, piety mean faithfulness to something to which one is bound by pledge or duty. fidelity implies strict and continuing faithfulness to an obligation, trust, or duty <marital fidelity>. allegiance suggests an adherence like that of citizens to their country <pledging allegiance>. fealty implies a fidelity acknowledged by the individual and as compelling as a sworn vow <fealty to the truth>. loyalty implies a faithfulness that is steadfast in the face of any temptation to renounce, desert, or betray <valued the loyalty of his friends>. devotion stresses zeal and service amounting to self-dedication <a painter's devotion to her art>. piety stresses fidelity to obligations regarded as natural and fundamental <filial piety>.

Other Religion (Eastern and Other) Terms

Zen, antinomian, avatar, gnosticism, illuminati, ineffable, karma, koan, mantra
DEVOTION Defined for Kids


noun de·vo·tion \di-ˈvō-shən\

Definition of DEVOTION for Kids

:  deep love or loyalty
:  an act of giving (as effort or time) to something <His devotion of many hours of work was rewarded.>
:  a religious exercise or practice (as prayers) especially that is private


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