

verb dis·card \dis-ˈkärd, ˈdis-ˌ\

: to throw (something) away because it is useless or unwanted

: to remove (a playing card) from your hand in a card game

Full Definition of DISCARD

transitive verb
:  to get rid of especially as useless or unwanted <a pile of discarded tires>
a :  to remove (a playing card) from one's hand
b :  to play (any card except a trump) from a suit different from the one led
intransitive verb
:  to discard a playing card
dis·card·able \-də-bəl\ adjective
dis·card·er noun

First Known Use of DISCARD

circa 1586

Synonym Discussion of DISCARD

discard, cast, shed, slough, scrap, junk mean to get rid of. discard implies the letting go or throwing away of something that has become useless or superfluous though often not intrinsically valueless <discard old clothes>. cast, especially when used with off, away, or out, implies a forceful rejection or repudiation <cast off her friends>. shed and slough imply a throwing off of something both useless and encumbering and often suggest a consequent renewal of vitality or luster <shed a bad habit> <finally sloughed off the depression>. scrap and junk imply throwing away or breaking up as worthless in existent form <scrap all the old ways> <would junk our educational system>.


noun dis·card \ˈdis-ˌkärd\

: something (such as a playing card) that has been discarded

Full Definition of DISCARD

a :  the act of discarding in a card game
b :  a card discarded
:  one that is cast off or rejected

First Known Use of DISCARD

DISCARDED Defined for Kids


verb dis·card \di-ˈskärd\

Definition of DISCARD for Kids

:  to get rid of as useless or unwanted
:  to throw down an unwanted card from a hand of cards


noun dis·card \ˈdi-ˌskärd\

Definition of DISCARD for Kids

:  something thrown away or rejected


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