

noun fon·ta·nel \ˌfän-tə-ˈnel, ˈfän-tə-ˌ\

Definition of FONTANEL

:  a membrane-covered opening in bone or between bones; specifically :  any of the spaces closed by membranous structures between the uncompleted angles of the parietal bones and the neighboring bones of a fetal or young skull

Variants of FONTANEL

fon·ta·nel or fon·ta·nelle \ˌfän-tə-ˈnel, ˈfän-tə-ˌ\

Origin of FONTANEL

Middle English fontinelle a bodily hollow or pit, from Anglo-French funtainele, diminutive of funtaine fountain
First Known Use: 1741
Medical Dictionary


noun fon·ta·nel

Medical Definition of FONTANEL

:  a membrane-covered opening in bone or between bones; specifically :  any of the spaces closed by membranous structures between the uncompleted angles of the parietal bones and the neighboring bones of a fetal or young skull

Variants of FONTANEL

fon·ta·nel or fon·ta·nelle \ˌfänt-ən-ˈel, ˈfänt-ən-ˌ\


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