

noun her·o·in \ˈher-ə-wən, ˈhe-rə-\

: a powerful illegal drug that is made from morphine

Full Definition of HEROIN

:  a strongly physiologically addictive narcotic C21H23NO5 that is made by acetylation of but is more potent than morphine and that is prohibited for medical use in the United States but is used illicitly for its euphoric effects
her·o·in·ism \-wə-ˌni-zəm\ noun

Origin of HEROIN

from Heroin, a trademark
First Known Use: 1898
HEROIN Defined for Kids


noun her·o·in \ˈher-ə-wən\

Definition of HEROIN for Kids

:  a very harmful illegal drug that is highly addictive and is made from morphine
Medical Dictionary


noun her·o·in \ˈher-ə-wən\

Medical Definition of HEROIN

:  a strongly physiologically addictive narcotic C21H23NO5 that is made by acetylation of but is more potent than morphine and that is prohibited for medical use in the United States but is used illicitly for its euphoric effects—called also acetomorphine, diacetylmorphine, diamorphine


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