

verb im·plore \im-ˈplr\

: to make a very serious or emotional request to (someone)

: to say (something) as a serious or emotional request

: to ask or beg for (something) in a very serious or emotional way


Full Definition of IMPLORE

transitive verb
:  to call upon in supplication :  beseech
:  to call or pray for earnestly :  entreat <implored the crowd to be quiet>
im·plor·ing·ly adverb

Origin of IMPLORE

Middle French or Latin; Middle French implorer, from Latin implorare, from in- + plorare to cry out
First Known Use: circa 1540

Synonym Discussion of IMPLORE

beg, entreat, beseech, implore, supplicate, adjure, importune mean to ask urgently. beg suggests earnestness or insistence in the asking <they begged for help>. entreat implies an effort to persuade or to overcome resistance <entreated me to join them>. beseech and implore imply a deeply felt anxiety <I beseech you to have mercy> <implored her not to leave>. supplicate suggests a posture of humility <with bowed heads they supplicated their Lord>. adjure implies advising as well as pleading <we were adjured to tell the truth>. importune suggests an annoying persistence in trying to break down resistance <importuning viewers for donations>.
IMPLORE Defined for Kids


verb im·plore \im-ˈplr\

Definition of IMPLORE for Kids

:  to make a very serious or emotional request to or for <I implored him not to go.> <… they humbly implored my mercy. — Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe>
im·plor·ing·ly adverb


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