

adjective ob·jec·tive \əb-ˈjek-tiv, äb-\

: based on facts rather than feelings or opinions : not influenced by feelings

philosophy : existing outside of the mind : existing in the real world

grammar : relating to nouns, noun phrases, or pronouns that are the objects of verbs or prepositions

Full Definition of OBJECTIVE

a :  relating to or existing as an object of thought without consideration of independent existence —used chiefly in medieval philosophy
b :  of, relating to, or being an object, phenomenon, or condition in the realm of sensible experience independent of individual thought and perceptible by all observers :  having reality independent of the mind <objective reality> <our reveries … are significantly and repeatedly shaped by our transactions with the objective world — Marvin Reznikoff> — compare subjective 3a
c of a symptom of disease :  perceptible to persons other than the affected individual — compare subjective 4c
d :  involving or deriving from sense perception or experience with actual objects, conditions, or phenomena <objective awareness> <objective data>
:  relating to, characteristic of, or constituting the case of words that follow prepositions or transitive verbs
a :  expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations <objective art> <an objective history of the war> <an objective judgment>
b of a test :  limited to choices of fixed alternatives and reducing subjective factors to a minimum
ob·jec·tive·ly adverb
ob·jec·tive·ness noun
ob·jec·tiv·i·ty \ˌäb-ˌjek-ˈti-və-tē, əb-\ noun

Examples of OBJECTIVE

  1. For no matter how objective Server tries to appear in detailing the highs and lows of her 67 years—the three marriages, the numerous affairs, the binges, the nightlong cruising of low-life byways and bordellos, the mainly poor movies she was in—he cannot really hide his essential fondness for her. —Peter Bogdanovich, New York Times Book Review, 23 Apr. 2006

First Known Use of OBJECTIVE


Synonym Discussion of OBJECTIVE

material, physical, corporeal, phenomenal, sensible, objective mean of or belonging to actuality. material implies formation out of tangible matter; used in contrast with spiritual or ideal it may connote the mundane, crass, or grasping <material values>. physical applies to what is perceived directly by the senses and may contrast with mental, spiritual, or imaginary <the physical benefits of exercise>. corporeal implies having the tangible qualities of a body such as shape, size, or resistance to force <artists have portrayed angels as corporeal beings>. phenomenal applies to what is known or perceived through the senses rather than by intuition or rational deduction <scientists concerned with the phenomenal world>. sensible stresses the capability of readily or forcibly impressing the senses <the earth's rotation is not sensible to us>. objective may stress material or independent existence apart from a subject perceiving it <no objective evidence of damage>.

fair, just, equitable, impartial, unbiased, dispassionate, objective mean free from favor toward either or any side. fair implies a proper balance of conflicting interests <a fair decision>. just implies an exact following of a standard of what is right and proper <a just settlement of territorial claims>. equitable implies a less rigorous standard than just and usually suggests equal treatment of all concerned <the equitable distribution of the property>. impartial stresses an absence of favor or prejudice <an impartial third party>. unbiased implies even more strongly an absence of all prejudice <your unbiased opinion>. dispassionate suggests freedom from the influence of strong feeling and often implies cool or even cold judgment <a dispassionate summation of the facts>. objective stresses a tendency to view events or persons as apart from oneself and one's own interest or feelings <I can't be objective about my own child>.


noun ob·jec·tive \əb-ˈjek-tiv, äb-\

: something you are trying to do or achieve : a goal or purpose

Full Definition of OBJECTIVE

:  a lens or system of lenses that forms an image of an object
a :  something toward which effort is directed :  an aim, goal, or end of action
b :  a strategic position to be attained or a purpose to be achieved by a military operation

Examples of OBJECTIVE

  1. The first objective of the low-intensity war was to bleed India so that it would cut its losses and quit. —Pervez Hoodbhoy, Prospect, June 2003

First Known Use of OBJECTIVE


Synonym Discussion of OBJECTIVE

intention, intent, purpose, design, aim, end, object, objective, goal mean what one intends to accomplish or attain. intention implies little more than what one has in mind to do or bring about <announced his intention to marry>. intent suggests clearer formulation or greater deliberateness <the clear intent of the statute>. purpose suggests a more settled determination <being successful was her purpose in life>. design implies a more carefully calculated plan <the order of events came by accident, not design>. aim adds to these implications of effort directed toward attaining or accomplishing <her aim was to raise film to an art form>. end stresses the intended effect of action often in distinction or contrast to the action or means as such <willing to use any means to achieve his end>. object may equal end but more often applies to a more individually determined wish or need <his constant object was the achievement of pleasure>. objective implies something tangible and immediately attainable <their objective is to seize the oil fields>. goal suggests something attained only by prolonged effort and hardship <worked years to reach her goals>.
OBJECTIVE Defined for Kids


adjective ob·jec·tive \əb-ˈjek-tiv\

Definition of OBJECTIVE for Kids

:  dealing with facts without allowing personal feelings to confuse them <an objective report>
:  being or belonging to the case of a noun or pronoun that is an object of a transitive verb or a preposition
:  being outside of the mind and independent of it
ob·jec·tive·ly adverb



Definition of OBJECTIVE for Kids

:  purpose, goal <Before you begin the experiment, state your objective.>
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