

adjective ques·tion·able \ˈkwes-chə-nə-bəl, ˈkwesh-, in rapid speech ˈkwesh-nə-\

: not likely to be true or correct : giving reason to doubt or question something

: likely to be bad : not worthy of trust

: not certain : unknown or undecided

Full Definition of QUESTIONABLE

obsolete :  inviting inquiry
obsolete :  liable to judicial inquiry or action
:  affording reason for being doubted, questioned, or challenged :  not certain or exact :  problematic <milk of questionable purity> <a questionable decision>
:  attended by well-grounded suspicions of being immoral, crude, false, or unsound :  dubious <questionable motives>
ques·tion·able·ness noun
ques·tion·ably \-blē\ adverb

First Known Use of QUESTIONABLE


Synonym Discussion of QUESTIONABLE

doubtful, dubious, problematic, questionable mean not affording assurance of the worth, soundness, or certainty of something. doubtful implies little more than a lack of conviction or certainty <doubtful about whether I said the right thing>. dubious stresses suspicion, mistrust, or hesitation <dubious about the practicality of the scheme>. problematic applies especially to things whose existence, meaning, fulfillment, or realization is highly uncertain <whether the project will ever be finished is problematic>. questionable may imply no more than the existence of doubt but usually suggests that the suspicions are well-grounded <a man of questionable honesty>.
QUESTIONABLE Defined for Kids


adjective ques·tion·able \ˈkwes-chə-nə-bəl\

Definition of QUESTIONABLE for Kids

:  not certain or exact :  doubtful <water of questionable purity>
:  not believed to be true, sound, or proper <Her motives are questionable.>


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