

verb \ˈthrō\

: to cause (something) to move out of your hand and through the air by quickly moving your arm forward

: to put (something) in a particular place in a careless or forceful way

: to cause (someone or something) to move suddenly or forcefully to or away from a particular place

threw \ˈthrü\ thrown \ˈthrōn\ throw·ing

Full Definition of THROW

transitive verb
a :  to propel through the air by a forward motion of the hand and arm <throw a baseball>
b :  to propel through the air in any manner <a rifle that can throw a bullet a mile>
c :  pitch 6b <threw a no-hitter>
a :  to cause to fall <threw his opponent>
b :  to cause to fall off :  unseat <the horse threw its rider>
c :  to get the better of :  overcome <the problem didn't throw her>
a :  to fling (oneself) precipitately <threw herself down on the sofa>
b :  to drive or impel violently :  dash <the ship was thrown on a reef>
a (1) :  to put in a particular position or condition <threw her arms around him> <thrown into chaos> <threw him into prison> (2) :  to put on or off hastily or carelessly <threw on a coat>
b :  to bring to bear :  exert <threw all his efforts into the boy's defense> <throw their weight behind the proposal>
c :  build, construct <threw a pontoon bridge over the river>
:  to form or shape on a potter's wheel
:  to deliver (a blow) in or as if in boxing
:  to twist two or more filaments of into a thread or yarn
a :  to make a cast of (dice or a specified number on dice)
b :  roll 1a <throw a bowling ball>
:  to give up :  abandon
:  to send forth :  project <the setting sun threw long shadows>; also :  shed 3c <throw some light on the matter>
:  to make (oneself) dependent :  commit (oneself) for help, support, or protection <threw himself on the mercy of the court>
:  deposit 2b <the wine throws sediment>
:  to perform (as a stunt) successfully <throwing tricks on a skateboard>
:  to indulge in :  give way to <threw a temper tantrum>
a :  to bring forth <throws a good crop>
b :  to give birth to <threw large litters>
:  to lose intentionally <throw a game>
a :  to move (a lever) so as to connect or disconnect parts of a clutch or switch; also :  to make or break (a connection) with a lever
b :  to put (an automobile) in a different gear especially quickly or suddenly <he threw the car into reverse>
:  to give by way of entertainment <throw a party>
intransitive verb
:  cast, hurl
throw·er \ˈthrō-ər\ noun
throw cold water on
:  to discourage especially through pessimism or indifference
throw money at
:  to spend large sums of money on or for especially recklessly or ineffectively <trying to solve problems by throwing money at them>
throw one's weight around or throw one's weight about
:  to exercise influence or authority especially to an excessive degree or in an objectionable manner
throw to the wolves
:  to leave unprotected against fierce opposition or attack
throw together
:  to put together in a hurried and usually careless manner <a bookshelf hastily thrown together>
:  to bring into casual association <different kinds of people are thrown together — Richard Sennett>

Origin of THROW

Middle English thrawen, throwen to cause to twist, throw, from Old English thrāwan to cause to twist or turn; akin to Old High German drāen to turn, Latin terere to rub, Greek tribein to rub, tetrainein to bore, pierce
First Known Use: 13th century

Synonym Discussion of THROW

throw, cast, toss, fling, hurl, pitch, sling mean to cause to move swiftly through space by a propulsive movement or a propelling force. throw is general and interchangeable with the other terms but may specifically imply a distinctive motion with bent arm <can throw a fastball and a curve>. cast usually implies lightness in the thing thrown and sometimes a scattering <cast it to the winds>. toss suggests a light or careless or aimless throwing and may imply an upward motion <tossed the coat on the bed>. fling stresses a violent throwing <flung the ring back in his face>. hurl implies power as in throwing a massive weight <hurled himself at the intruder>. pitch suggests throwing carefully at a target <pitch horseshoes>. sling stresses either the use of whirling momentum in throwing or directness of aim <slung the bag over his shoulder>.



: an act of throwing something (such as a ball)

: an act of rolling dice

: the distance over which something is thrown or could be thrown

Full Definition of THROW

a :  an act of throwing, hurling, or flinging
b (1) :  an act of throwing dice
(2) :  the number thrown with a cast of dice
c :  a method of throwing an opponent in wrestling or judo
:  the distance a missile may be thrown or light rays may be projected
:  an undertaking involving chance or danger :  risk, venture
:  the amount of vertical displacement produced by a geological fault
a :  the extreme movement given to a pivoted or reciprocating piece by a cam, crank, or eccentric :  stroke
b :  the length of the radius of a crank or the virtual crank radius of an eccentric or cam
a :  a light coverlet (as for a bed)
b :  a woman's scarf or light wrap
a throw
:  for each one :  apiece <copies are to be sold at a throw — Harvey Breit>

First Known Use of THROW


Related to THROW

THROWING Defined for Kids


verb \ˈthrō\
threw \ˈthrü\thrown \ˈthrōn\throw·ing

Definition of THROW for Kids

:  to send through the air with a quick forward motion of the arm <Throw me a ball.>
:  to put suddenly in a certain position or condition <Don't throw trash on the ground.> <They threw him in prison.>
:  to cause to fall <The horse threw its rider.>
:  to put on or take off in a hurry <Let me throw on a coat.>
:  to move (the body or part of the body) in a certain way <I threw myself on the bed.> <He threw his arms around her.>
:  to move (as a window or switch) to an open or closed position
:  to give by way of entertainment <Let's throw a party!>
throw·er noun
throw away
:  to get rid of :  discard
:  squander, waste <Don't throw away your money.>
throw out
:  to get rid of <Did you throw out the newspaper?>
:  to remove from a place, position, or participation <The ref threw out two players.>
:  to give off <The wire threw out sparks.>
:  to cause to project :  extend <He threw out his arms.>
throw up
:  2vomit

Synonym Discussion of THROW

throw, toss, and hurl mean to cause something to move swiftly through space often by using the arm. throw is the broadest word and can be used of almost any motion and driving force. <The graduates threw their caps in the air.> <A crash threw the driver from the car.> toss is used for a light or careless throwing of something. <Let's toss a coin.> <He tossed the paper into the wastebasket.> hurl is used when throwing with strong force. <An angry mob hurled rocks.>



Definition of THROW for Kids

:  an act of causing something to move with a motion of the arm
:  the distance something is or may be sent with a motion of the arm
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