

noun ver·sion \ˈvər-zhən, -shən\

: a story or description that is different in some way from another person's story or description

: a form of something (such as a product) that is different in some way from other forms

: a particular translation of the Bible

Full Definition of VERSION

:  a translation from another language; especially :  a translation of the Bible or a part of it
a :  an account or description from a particular point of view especially as contrasted with another account
b :  an adaptation of a literary work <the movie version of the novel>
c :  an arrangement of a musical composition
:  a form or variant of a type or original <an experimental version of the airplane>
a :  a condition in which an organ and especially the uterus is turned from its normal position
b :  manual turning of a fetus in the uterus to aid delivery
ver·sion·al \ˈvərzh-nəl, ˈvərsh-; ˈvər-zhə-nəl, -shə-\ adjective

Origin of VERSION

Middle French, from Medieval Latin version-, versio act of turning, change, from Latin vertere to turn — more at worth
First Known Use: 1582

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Rhymes with VERSION

VERSION Defined for Kids


noun ver·sion \ˈvər-zhən\

Definition of VERSION for Kids

:  an account or description from a certain point of view <The jury heard several different versions of the incident.>
:  a translation especially of the Bible
:  a form of a type or original <Esperanza's grandmother … was a smaller, older, more wrinkled version of Mama. — Pam Muñoz Ryan, Esperanza Rising>
Medical Dictionary


noun ver·sion \ˈvər-zhən, -shən\

Medical Definition of VERSION

:  a condition in which an organ and especially the uterus is turned from its normal position
:  manual turning of a fetus in the uterus to aid delivery
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