

noun \ˈwāt\

: a measurement that indicates how heavy a person or thing is

: the amount that a person or thing weighs : the heaviness of a person or thing

: a heavy object that is lifted during exercising

Full Definition of WEIGHT

a :  the amount that a thing weighs
b (1) :  the standard or established amount that a thing should weigh
(2) :  one of the classes into which contestants in a sports event are divided according to body weight (3) :  poundage required to be carried by a horse in a handicap race
a :  a quantity or thing weighing a fixed and usually specified amount
b :  a heavy object (as a metal ball) thrown, put, or lifted as an athletic exercise or contest
a :  a unit of weight or mass — see metric system table
b :  a piece of material (as metal) of known specified weight for use in weighing articles
c :  a system of related units of weight
a :  something heavy :  load
b :  a heavy object to hold or press something down or to counterbalance
a :  burden, pressure <the weight of their responsibilities>
b :  the quality or state of being ponderous
c :  corpulence
a :  relative heaviness :  mass
b :  the force with which a body is attracted toward the earth or a celestial body by gravitation and which is equal to the product of the mass and the local gravitational acceleration
a :  the relative importance or authority accorded something <the weight of her opinions>
b :  measurable influence especially on others <throwing his weight behind the proposal>
:  overpowering force
:  the quality (as lightness) that makes a fabric or garment suitable for a particular use or season —often used in combination <summer-weight>
:  a numerical coefficient assigned to an item to express its relative importance in a frequency distribution
:  the degree of thickness of the strokes of a type character
weight table

Origin of WEIGHT

Middle English wight, weght, from Old English wiht; akin to Old Norse vætt weight, Old English wegan to weigh
First Known Use: before 12th century

Synonym Discussion of WEIGHT

importance, consequence, moment, weight, significance mean a quality or aspect having great worth or significance. importance implies a value judgment of the superior worth or influence of something or someone <a region with no cities of importance>. consequence generally implies importance because of probable or possible effects <the style you choose is of little consequence>. moment implies conspicuous or self-evident consequence <a decision of great moment>. weight implies a judgment of the immediate relative importance of something <the argument carried no weight with the judge>. significance implies a quality or character that should mark a thing as important but that is not self-evident and may or may not be recognized <the treaty's significance>.

influence, authority, prestige, weight, credit mean power exerted over the minds or behavior of others. influence may apply to a force exercised and received consciously or unconsciously <used her influence to get the bill passed>. authority implies the power of winning devotion or allegiance or of compelling acceptance and belief <his opinions lacked authority>. prestige implies the ascendancy given by conspicuous excellence or reputation for superiority <the prestige of the newspaper>. weight implies measurable or decisive influence in determining acts or choices <their wishes obviously carried much weight>. credit suggests influence that arises from the confidence of others <his credit with the press>.

Other Weights and Measures Terms

avoirdupois weight, calorie, denier, kip, pace, twain



: to put a weight on (something) to make it heavier or to keep it from moving

Full Definition of WEIGHT

transitive verb
:  to oppress with a burden <weighted down with cares>
a :  to load or make heavy with or as if with a weight
b :  to increase in heaviness by adding an ingredient
a :  weigh 1
b :  to feel the weight of :  heft
:  to assign a statistical weight to
:  to cause to incline in a particular direction by manipulation <the tax structure … which was weighted so heavily in favor of the upper classes — A. S. Link>
:  to shift the burden of weight upon <weight the inside ski>

First Known Use of WEIGHT

WEIGHT Defined for Kids


noun \ˈwāt\

Definition of WEIGHT for Kids

:  the amount that something weighs <Her weight is 115 pounds.>
:  the force with which a body is pulled toward the earth
:  a unit (as a pound) for measuring weight
:  an object (as a piece of metal) of known weight for balancing a scale in weighing other objects
:  a heavy object used to hold or press down something
:  a heavy object lifted during exercise
:  1burden 2
:  strong influence <The mayor threw his weight behind the proposal.>



Definition of WEIGHT for Kids

:  to load or make heavy with a weight <I weighted the fishing line so it would sink.>
:  to trouble with a burden <He was weighted down with worry.>
Medical Dictionary


noun \ˈwāt\

Medical Definition of WEIGHT

:  the amount that a thing weighs
:  a unit of weight or mass
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