Medical Dictionary


noun in·hi·bi·tion \ˌin-(h)ə-ˈbish-ən\

Medical Definition of INHIBITION

:  the act or an instance of inhibiting or the state of being inhibited: as a (1) :  a stopping or checking of a bodily action :  a restraining of the function of an organ or an agent (as a digestive fluid or enzyme) <inhibition of the heartbeat by stimulation of the vagus nerve> <inhibition of plantar reflexes> (2) :  interference with or retardation or prevention of a process or activity <inhibition of bacterial growth> b (1) :  a desirable restraint or check upon the free or spontaneous instincts or impulses of an individual guided or directed by the social and cultural forces of the environment <the self-control so developed is called inhibition—C. W. Russell> (2) :  a neurotic restraint upon a normal or beneficial impulse or activity caused by psychological inner conflicts or by sociocultural forces of the environment <other outspoken neurotic manifestations are general inhibitions such as inability to think, to concentrate—Muriel Ivimey> <inhibitions, phobias, compulsions, and other neurotic patterns—Psychological Abstracts>
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