

noun las·si·tude \ˈla-sə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd\

formal + medical : the condition of being tired : lack of physical or mental energy

Full Definition of LASSITUDE

:  a condition of weariness or debility :  fatigue
:  a condition of listlessness :  languor


Middle English, from Latin lassitudo, from lassus weary; probably akin to Old English læt late — more at late
First Known Use: 15th century

Synonym Discussion of LASSITUDE

lethargy, languor, lassitude, stupor, torpor mean physical or mental inertness. lethargy implies such drowsiness or aversion to activity as is induced by disease, injury, or drugs <months of lethargy followed my accident>. languor suggests inertia induced by an enervating climate or illness or love <languor induced by a tropical vacation>. lassitude stresses listlessness or indifference resulting from fatigue or poor health <a depression marked by lassitude>. stupor implies a deadening of the mind and senses by shock, narcotics, or intoxicants <lapsed into an alcoholic stupor>. torpor implies a state of suspended animation as of hibernating animals but may suggest merely extreme sluggishness <a once alert mind now in a torpor>.
Medical Dictionary


noun las·si·tude \ˈlas-ə-ˌt(y)üd\

Medical Definition of LASSITUDE

:  a condition of weariness, debility, or fatigue <a disease typically accompanied by chronic lassitude>


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